IntelliJ IDEA

IntelliJ from JetBrains is one of the leading IDEs in the Java/Scala community and it has excellent support for Akka. This section will guide you through setting up, testing and running the sample project.

Setting up the project

Open IntelliJ and select File -> Open... and point to the directory where you have installed the sample project. A dialogue like this will pop up:


Fill out the settings according to the above and press OK to import the project. When IntelliJ warns about there being “No Scala SDK in module”, simply click on the “Setup Scala SDK” link to add support.

Inspecting project code

If we open up the file src/main/scala/$package$/AkkaQuickstart.scala we will see a lot of lines beginning with //# .... These lines are used as directives for this documentation. To get rid of these lines from the source code we can utilize the awesome Find/Replace functionality in IntelliJ. Select Edit -> Find -> Replace in Path.... Check the Regex box and add the following regex [//#].* and click on Replace in Find Window.... Select to replace all occurrences and voila the lines are gone!

Testing and running

For testing we simply right click on the file src/test/scala/$package$/AkkaQuickstartSpec.scala and select Run 'AkkaQuickstartSpec':


Similarly, to run the application we right click on the file src/main/scala/$package$/AkkaQuickstart.scala and select Run 'AkkaQuickstart':


For more detailed information, please see the running the application section.